Full Set Package List:
For MB Star C5
1pc | 16 PIN OBD II cable |
1pc | 38 PIN cable |
1pc | 14 PIN cable |
1pc | 8 PIN cable |
1pc | Computer Communication Cable |
1pc | 240GB SSD (Software Version : 2016.12) |
1pc | for BMW ICOM A2 Interface |
1pc | for BMW ICOM B Most |
1pc | for BMW 20pin Cable |
1pc | USB Cable |
1pc | OBD2 Cable |
1pc | LAN Cable |
1pc | 480GB SSD (Software Version :2016.12) |
1PC | IX104 Tablet I7 CPU, 4GB Ram |
I : MB Star C5
Detailed Product Description
Star Diagnosis compact 5 The new generation Bs diagnostic equipment Star Diagnosis compact 5 is the latest one on market for all current and new coming Bs vehicles.
1. Basis: Windows 7 Professional.
2. Supports vehicle diagnostics by means of decision trees
3. Provides wiring diagrams, installation instructions, detailed technical information and repair information
4. Auxiliary and maintenance program used for self-diagnosis of various components, word processing, and other functions
5. Information concerning operation and standard texts, flat rates and work units
6. V2016.12 Latest Software
II . For bmw icom a2
Current Package Image version 03.13.00
Current System Image version 01.23.01
Currect Appliation image version 01.37.00
A2 - OBD diagnostic supporting MOST, D-CAN and K-CAN protocols
B - diagnostic via most bus, and have connection to A-interface via USB connection.
C - 20-pin cable for old models.
2016.12 newest version expert mode for bmw icom a2
American English, British English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish, Czech, Swedish, Dutch, Indian, Greek, Russian, Japaness, Korean, Thai, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese
Xplore IX104 C5 Tablet
Warranty | one year |
Support | Online Teamviewer |
Delivery time | 1-2 working day |
Return Policies:
If you are not satisfied with your purchase .please contact us quickly, we can exchange one to you,but buyers is responsible for the returning shiping cost within 10 days
If you have any item proplem, just email us quickly, we will do our best to slove it in 24 hours, please don't leave
package will be sent by fastest and cheapest DHL.
Items will be checked carefully before sent out.
We will use air bubbles to wrap the items carefully.