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China Bus Truck General Spare Parts Cummins Engine Assembly 53743/So11155 image 1China Bus Truck General Spare Parts Cummins Engine Assembly 53743/So11155 image 2

China Bus Truck General Spare Parts Cummins Engine Assembly 53743/So11155


Price $5000.00 / Piece
Mini Order
-+Subtotal: $50000
Availability In Stock
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Electric Start
CCC, Cop, ISO9001, CE, E-MARK, RoHS, Ts16949
Euro V
4 Stroke
Standard After-Sales
Wooden Box
Product Description
Product Description
product nameengine
Product number53743/SO11155
Application classificationengine
Applicable modelsYutong/zhongtong/jinlong bus
Packagewooden box
Transportation methodAccording to customer requirements
Product material number

Our company operates a full range of accessories for buses and trucks of multiple brands. If the product you need is not on my list, please send me an email and I will send you the exact information and price based on your description or item number.

@SO30005 @YC6J190-30(J65FB-T5)D (EQ6BT5.9,10GB02-05-13)
 @EQD180-20 @EQB140-20(SO10863) @EQB140-20(S010330)
CA6DE2-22;D130 @EQB210-20(SO10614)EQB160-20(SO10476)
D (EQB210-10;10GB03-02-01),EQB210-20,,SO12316D EQB140-20(SO10653)
(EQB210-20,70A,):C300 20() @EQD160-20(10BF8-00010-Q04A)
 @EQB160-20(10GB08-KT86) @EQ6100-I(10Q52-00010-B58) @EQ6100-1(10Q52I-00010-463F)
 @EQ6102DT-20,L325 20,,(EQB210-20;:SO10200)
:EQB235-20:EQB235-20 @EQD160-30(10BF3-00010-R08)
 @EQB140-20(SO10844) @EQB140-20(SO11155) @EQB140-20(SO11680)
 @EQB140-20 SO13468E,ISF3.8s3154,,3#ISBE220 31,SKD,SAE2#,)
BGe5 230,ALLISON T270R 6BTAA5.9-C170D (ISBe4+225,)
,ISB6.7E5285B,,SAE1,ISB6.7E5 250,,SAE1ISL8.9E5 400
(CGE250 30),ISB6.7E5 250,,SAE2,ISB4.5E5185,,
,ISB6.7E6 250B,,T310:ISLE+350ISL8.9E5 400
,ISL8.9E5 320,,ISB6.7E5 285,SAE1#,ISBe4+250B,,
ISL8.9E5340B,ISB4.5E5140,3#,140A,ISL8.9E5 360,,
,ISL8.9E5 320,,(ISLGEEV 320,),ISB6.7E5 250,,SAE1
(ISLE4 340B),ISB6.7E5285B,,AMTSAE2# ISB6.7EV225H,
,ISL8.9E5320B,,ZF6AP1200B,ISB6.7E5 285,,ZF1200,ISBE4+ 250,T280R,SAE2#
,ISLE4 360,,,ISB4.5E5207,,,ISB6.7E6280B,,ZF6AP1200B
ISL8.9E5 400,ISBe4+250B,,SAE2#(ISBe4+250,SAE1#,)
 ISBE250 30()(ISBe185 32)(ISBe4+225)
D :DE12TIS-340PS:C245 20(SO21426)   EQB235-20(420)SO10515
(ISLE360 40):ISF3.8s4168 (ISF3.8s3168, )
EQB140-20(90A),ISF3.8s4R154,,110,ISLe325 31,,SAE1
,ISLe310 30,,SAE1#,ISF3.8s4R141,,,EQB140 20,,2100
,ISF3.8s4154,,110AD :EQD180-30(ISDe140 40,SO40886,70A
ISDe270 41(SO40898)EQB140-20(SO12274,)(EQB210-20)
(L360 20),EQB140-20,,,EQB180-20,,110A
,ISDe185 41,,SAE2,ISF3.8S5141,,@110A,ISM11E4 385,,
,ISF3.8S5154,,110A(ISDe140,SO40374,100A)ISLE375 30
,ISDe245 51,,XCVT:EQB125-20(),ISF3.8S4R154,,110A
,BGE230 31,CNG,ISL8.9E5 360:ISLE+300B
(BGE195 31),ISF3.8S5168,,SAE2,ISL8.9E5 360,,1700B
 ISLE4 320(ZF),EQB210-20,,,C245 20(),,
:EQB210-20:CA6DF3-20E3C300 20(SO20678;CKD)
:ISLe 350:ISLe 290 30(),ISLe 290 31,,SO60077
:C325 20()(ISBE4 225B),ISLE+300,,
:ISLe 290 30(SO60721)D :EQD210-30(EQD210-30,)
:EQD180-30 EQD160-30D :EQ6102DT-20
,B6.7E6D300B,,D854.6,ISF3.8s3154,, ISB6.7E6C320,
, ISB6.7E6C290,,,ISB6.7E6C290,,MT,B6.7E6D320C,,
,B6.7E6D300B,ZF6AP1200B,ISB6.7E5 250,,SAE2,ISB6.7E5285B,,SAE1
,,ISB4.5E4 207,T270,ISB4.5E5160,3#,140A,ISL8.9E5360,
,ISLGEEV 320,CNG,,L9NE6DII320,CNG,D864.6,ISLG6C320,CNG,D864.6
,EQB210-20,,SO10779,EQB210-20,,,C245 20(SO21156),,
,C245 20(SO22165),,, EQB210-20,,150A,EQB125-20,,
,EQB125-20,,,ISDE210 31,,,ISDe230 30,,SO40591
,ISDe270 31,,ZF6AP1200B,ISDE210 30,,,D4.5EVID190,,
,ISLe 290 30,,SO60075,ISLe310 30,,140A,ISLe310 30(),,1#
,ISL360 50,,,ISLe340 30,,SAE1#,ISL8.9E5 360,,
,ISLe375 30,,,ISLe375 30,,SAE1#,ISLe375 30,,
,L325 20,,,L325 20,,SO30545,L360 20,,1#
,L360 20,,140A,ISF3.8s5168,,150A,ISF3.8S5141,,@
,L96 V8,,,ISM11E5 345,,,ISME380 30,,ZF6AP1700B
,ISME380 30,,,ISME380 30,,,ISME380 30,,
,ISM11E5.385,,,L360 20D :CUMMINS C300(SAE2#)
D EQ6BTA5.9() @EQB160-20(10GB08-KT86)D 6CTA8.3SAE1#
D :B215 20D  @EQB140-20:EQB210-20()
:CUMMINSC300(SAE1,CK)D EQB235-20,ISLe325 31,,ZF6AP1400B
()D EQ6BTA5.9() 
D ISDe230 30D (EQ6BTA5.9,10GB01-01-22)D (EQ6BT5.9,10GB02-05-13)
D EQ6BTA5.9D (EQB210-10-86)D EQB231-10(10GB05-01-05)
D (EQB210-10,150A) 6BTAA5.9-C170 6BTAA5.9-C180
D (C245;SAE1#)D (ISBe185 32)D :BGE230 31
D :CUMMINS C300:ISLE+280B:ISLe 290 30(SO60161)
:ISLe 290 30(SO60721)D :EQB140-20()(ISDe140 40,SO40886,70A
(ISLE360 40)ISLE375 30ISDe160 40()
(C245 20,,):L300 20 ,:ISDe185 41(140A)
(ISLe310 30+),EQB140-20,,,EQB125-20,,
,ISDe185 41,,SAE2 ISDe210 30(SO40925) SAE2#,ISDe185 31,,SAE2
,EQB210-20,,SO12316,ISLE340 40,,SAE1,ISLE290 41,,SAE1
,ISDe210 31,,,ISLe325 31,,SAE1,ISDe140 30,70A,MF362
,ISDe140 30,100A,MF362,C300 20,,,ISDe140 30,100A,
:ISLe 290 30(),EQB140-20,,70A,ISDe245 31,,T280R
,ISDe210 40,ISDe210 40(),ISDe210 31,,SAE2#
,ISLe310 30,,SAE1#,ISL360 50,,ZK6122H,ISDe245 31,SAE1#,ZF6AP1200B
,EQB140-20,,QJ605,L300 20,,,ISDe245 31,,ZF6AP1200B
  EQB235-20(420)SO10515D (EQ6BT5.9;SO10059)D (EQ6BT5.9,SO10263;)
D (ISBe185 30)D ISDe230 30(SO40222)D :ISLe 325 30
D (ISDe230 30,SO40177)D :ISLe 290 30 ISDe230 30(SO40855) SAE2#
ISDe230 30D ISDe160 30(ISDe140,SO40374,100A)
(ISDe140,SO40627,100A):ISDe230 30D :ISDe270 31
ISDe160 30(SO40802):ISDe230 31ISDe230 41(SO40893)
:ISLE325 31(EQB210-20,SO12191) ISLe 290 30(D854.3E)
:L360 20ISDe160 30 ISDe270 31 (SO41116)
L325 20(ISDe210 30,)(C245 20)
(ISLe310 30) SAE2#ISLE375 30(ISLe375 30)
,EQB235-20,,SO11279,L300 20,,140A,EQB180-20,,110A
,EQB235-20,,SO12238L325 20(+T350R,L300 20,,D864.3E
,ISDe230,,ZF6HP504C,ISDe185 31,,QJ805,ISDe180 30,140A,MF395
,ISDe270 41,,SAE1,ISDe210 31,,140A,ISD185 50,,Allison
,ISDe160 31,,140A,ISDe140 41,,100A,EQB140-20,,90A
,ISDe140 41,,,ISDe270 31,,ZF6S1350BOD (EQB210-10;10GB03-02-01)
D (EQB231-10,10GB05-01-07)D (EQB210-10;70A)D :EQB210-20(10GB06-01-25)
D (EQB125-20)D (L300 20)D :EQB235-20()
D :C245 20(SO21307)D (EQB125-20):EQB125-20()
:C245 20(SO21413):C245 20(SO21426):ISDe160 41
(EQB180-20 150A)EQB140-20(SO12274,)ISDe230 40,SAE2#
,ISDe180 40,140A,MF395ISDE270 41(T325R):C245 20()
EQB140-20(90A),L360 20,,,ISDe185 41,,Allison
(EQB180-20,)(EQB210-20)(L360 20)
ISDE270 31,,SAE1#:ISDe185 31(ZF6AS1010)EQB125-20(,)
,ISDe245 41,,SAE1#,ISLe325 31,SAE1,VOITH D864.5,ISDe270 40,,ZF6AP1200B
,ISLe340 40, ,ZF6AP 1700B(ISDe160 40,,100A)(ISLE290 41QJ1205)
(ISLe290 41 SAE1 ZF6AP),EQB140-20,,DF5S550,EQB180-20,,150A
,ISDe230 30,,150A,C245-20,,,ISDe180 30,,ZF6AP1002B
,EQB180-20,,:ISDe140 41:ISLe 290 41(SO60316)
ISDe270 41(SO40898):ISLE+280BD EQB140-20(SO10653)
D ISDe160 30(SO:40100)(ISDe140 30,SO40096,70A)(ISDe140,SO40136,70A)
D (EQB125-20),EQB210-20,,,C245 20(),,
(EQB210-20,70A,)D :C245 20(CKD)D :EQB210-20()
D :C245 20():EQB210-20:C245 20(SO20800)
D :EQB210-20()D :EQB210-20()D :EQB210-20()
D :C220 20()D (ISBE220 31,30):EQB210-20
D (EQB210-20;SO10710,)D :BGI-230(ISLe290 30)
:C245 20(),ISLe 290 30,,S060050:ISLe 290 30()
,ISLe310 30,,SAE1#,ISLe 290 31,,SO60077:C325 20
D C300 20(SO20678;CKD):C300 20():C325 20()
:C325 20():ISLe 300 30:ISLe 350
D (C325 20(SO20923)):C300 20:C300 20()
D :ISLe 290 30():C300 20():C325 20()
,L300 20,,,ISLe 290 30,,S060083ISBE220 31,SKD,SAE2#,)
  D:ISCe260 30  III  D ISBE220 31D :BGE230 30
,ISLE+300,,:CUMMINS C300D ISDe160 30(SO40242)
(ISDe230 30,SO40177) 6LTAA8.9-C295,EQB140 20,,2100
,ISLE375-30,,,ISLe290 31,,ZF6AP1200B,ISLe310 30,,
,ISDe270 30,,,ISDe160 30,100A,MF362,EQB180-20,,110A
,EQB180-20,,70AISL8.9-340E51A ,ISLe290 31,,90A
,C245 20(),,854.3E,ISDe245 51,,XCVT,ISLe290 31,,ZF6AP1200B
,ISD210 50,,ISDe140 30,100A,,ISLe290 31,,854.5
,EQB180-20,,SO12070,ISL320 51,,ZF6AP1400B,L360 20,,1#
,EQB140-20,,,ISD245 50,,1000,ISF4.5E3185,,SAE2
,ISL360 50,,,Isle310 31,,854.5,ISLe325 31,,D864.6S
,ISLe340 30,,SAE#1,L325 20,,1#,ISLe340 30,,
,EQB210-20,,,D6.7NS6B260,,,C245 20,,
,C245 20,,,C245 20(SO21156),,,C230 20,,2#
,C245 20,,VOITH 854.3E,D6.7EVID320,,ECU, EQB210-20,,100A
, EQB210-20,,150A, EQB210-20,,150A(),EQB125-20,,
,EQB125-20,,,ISDE210 31,,T270R,ISDe230 31,,150A
,ISDe210 31,,,ISDE210 31,,,ISDe210 31,,150A
,ISDe230 30,,SO40591,ISDE230 31,,T270R,ISDe270 31,,ZF6AP1200B
,ISDE210 30,,,ISDE210 30,,,ISDe210 31,,T270R
,ISDe230 30,,150A,ISDe230 30,,,ISDe230 30,,120A
,ISDe245 30,,SAE1# ,ISDe245 31,,SAE1#,ISDe245 31,,
,ISDe245 30,,1000,ISDe245 30,,SAE1#,ISDe245 31,,QJ805
,ISDe245 31,,XCVT,ISDe245 30,,6S1010BO,ISDE270 30,,SAE1#
,ISDe270 30,,SAE1,ISDe270 30,,SAE1#,ISDe245 30,,
,ISDe245 50,,,ISDe185 41,,150A,ISDe185 31,SAE2,
,ISDe270 40,,SAE1,ISDe210 40,,SAE2#,ISD210 50,,
,ISDe300 40,,SAE1,ISD245 51,,SAE1,ISD270.50,,
,ISD245 51,,SAE1,ISD245 50,,,ISD270 50,,
,ISD270 50,,pei,ISDe245 50,,6S1010BO,ISDE230 30,,120A
,D4.5EVID190,,,ISLE290 31,,ZF6AP1200B,ISLe 290 30,,SO60075
,ISLe310 30,,140A,ISLe310 30(),,1#,ISLe340 30,,SAE1#
,ISLE340 40,,SAE1(ISLe290 40),ISLE290 40,,1#
,ISLE340 40,,SAE1,ISL360 50,,,ISLE 290 31,,D854.5
,ISLe 290 31,,6AP1200B,ISLE290 31,,ZF6AP1200B,ISLe290 31,,6DS130TD
,ISLe310 30(),,1#,ISLe310 31,,ZF6AP1200B,ISLe310 31,,D854.6S
,L9EVID340,,,ISL340 50,,,ISLe340 30,,SAE1#
,ISLe340 30,,,ISL360 50,,,ISLe375 30,,
,ISLe375 30,,,ISLe375 30,,SAE1#,ISLe375 30,,
,L325 20,,,L325 20,,SO30545,L360 20,,SAE1
,L300 20,,140A,L325 20,,1#,L300 20,,140A
,L325 20,,140A,L360 20,,1#,L360 20,,
,L360 20,,1#,L360 20,,140A,L325 20,,
C300 20(SO20678;CKD)(C245,,SO21160)(EQB210-20;:SO10200)
,C245 20(SO22165),,,L360 20,,140A,L325 20,,140A
,ISDe210 30,,SO40176  
C245C245 20C300 20C325 20CG8.3E4280
CGE280 30CGe4 280D2066LOH12D2066LOH34EQB125-20
ISB6.7E5 250ISB6.7E5 285ISB6.7E6280ISBE250 30ISBe4+250
ISD245 50ISDe140 30ISDe185 31ISDe185 41ISDE210 30
ISDe210 31ISDe230 30ISDE230 31ISDe245 30ISDe245 31
ISDE270 30ISDe270 40ISF3.8s3154ISL360 50ISL8.9E5 360
ISL8.9E5 400ISLe 290 30ISLE 290 31ISLe 350ISLE+300
ISLe290 30ISLe290 31ISLe310 30ISLe340 30ISLE4 360
ISLGEEV 320ISME380 30L300 20L325 20L360 20
L47YA-T10L53YA-T10MX11 240MX-11 291SOFIM8140.43S3
Shipping scenario

Company Profile
Our company offers variety of products which can meet your multifarious demands. We adhere to the management principles of "quality first, customer first and credit-based" since the establishment of the company and always do our best to satisfy potential needs of our customers. Our company is sincerely willing to cooperate with enterprises from all over the world in order to realize a win-win situation since the trend of economic globalization has developed with anirresistible force.


Our Advantages


Q1. How do you correctly identify the products you need?
A:Supply  part number,we can check directly.
Engine and gearbox  parts;if you don't know  part code,try to found engine or gear  model and number.

Q2. What are your packaging conditions?
A: Generally, the goods are packed in neutral white boxes or brown cartons.
If you have a legally registered patent, the goods can be packed in your branded boxes after obtaining your authorization letter.

Q3. What are your payment terms?
A: T/T 30% as deposit, 70% before delivery. Photos of the product and packaging will be shown to you before the balance is paid.

Q4 How is your delivery time?
A: Generally, it takes 30 days after receiving the advance payment.
The specific delivery time depends on the items and quantity of the order.

Q5. Can you produce according to samples?
A: Yes, it can be developed according to your samples or technical drawings.

Q6. Do you test all goods before delivery?
A: Yes, 100% tested before delivery

Q7: How do you make our business long-term and good relationship?
A: 1. Good quality and competitive prices ensure our customers benefit;

   2.We respect every customer as our friend, we sincerely do business and make friends with them, no matter where they come from.

Please send me an email and give me a chance to serve you! Thanks!
Have a good day!


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